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In the last five years Dr. Michelle Gallagher has become the most well recognized Pediatric Dermatology physician in the central Michigan area. She regularly speaks at Michigan State University and throughout the state helping other Pediatricians and Family physicians recognize and treat dermatological conditions. In a profession where most of the “clients” are scared out of their wits to come in for treatment, Dr. Gallagher has refined a style of care that makes children feel comfortable and calm throughout their visit. If it seems like I’m gushing over this particular client, it might have something to do with the fact that she is my wife. 

Patient education video created by WiZaRD for

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1.) Build an online presence that could compete with national medical aggregator sites

2.) Create marketing materials that would accurately portray the experience that children and parents could come to expect when working with Dr. Gallagher

3.) Develop an online portal for education and outreach, both for the general public and for the medical community


Easy to use Content Management Platform, on-site review and recommendation system, educational videos, and best practices for organic ranking and mobile responsiveness.


First page above-the-fold rankings for primary keywords

4377 video views, all organically driven

376 organic phone prospects in less than 12 months

Page 1 Rankings

4K+ Video Views

376 Organic Calls


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